Sunday, December 27, 2015

Matcha Green Tea

Been drinking a lot of coffee lately...a LOT.  Chad's last chemo cycle was horrendous - the first day he was there for 14 hours straight. YES 14 long, long, long hours.  The next two days were shorter but I"m at the end of my exhaustion rope.  When you have the most important person in your world going through a cure that's almost as bad as the disease, who has time for the stupid holidays, I mean REALLY!?

Anyway, as I said, I've been drinking tons of coffee and I'm so sick of it.  I received a complimentary sample of this stuff called Matcha, which is essentially a REALLY concentrated green tea powder.  You've heard all the hype about green tea, has antioxidants, so good for you.  But tea is just...tea.  It doesn't have that robust oomph like coffee does. Matcha is so different, and a little goes a long way.  My favorite way to use it right now is iced with vanilla almond milk.  I use the "lightly sweetened" type.  It's amazingly refreshing and like I said, a nice change from coffee.

Since Chad's appetite wanes quite a bit during chemo cycles, he's been drinking a lot of vanilla protein shakes (gotta get that protein People!) and putting a little bit of Matcha in there sort of shakes things up for him, and offers a nice change of pace.  Given that Matcha enhances focus and memory, I'm hoping it will cut through that "chemo brain" he gets at times, where he just gets a little foggy and he finds it so frustrating.  Not to mention, the increase in energy Matcha provides, which seems to cut through that malaise he experiences after a chemo cycle.

According to Matcha Organics ( #matchaorganics )

Some of the benefits of drinking this green tea powder are:

Enhanced Focus & Memory

Fat Blocker & Calorie Burner

Stimulates Metabolism

Jitter-Free Organic Energy

High in L-Theanine

If you're interested in trying it, here's where I got mine:

It may seem expensive, but a little goes a long way!  I use about a teaspoon in an 8 oz glass with the almond milk.  Also, when you purchase it, it comes with a recipe books with a ton more ideas for using it.  I plan to keep using it, and since Chad seems to love it, I plan to add it to his long list of supplements for easing his side effects.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

dark circles under MY eyes? Pfffft!

Remember this from 10 days ago?

"Taking care of myself part 2"

"So I was offered an opportunity to try another product for these ridiculous dark circles under my eyes.  If you're a caregiver for someone with cancer, then you know exactly what I'm talking about, right?  The product is called Valentia's True Glow Eye Cream - "A Corrective Eye Treatment with Vitamin C, Astaxanthin and Organic Oil." This blog is all about "natural" and look at those ingredients, right? I only started using it about a week ago, and since I have a tendency to NOT pay too close attention when trying something supposedly life altering (like the miracle cream that will make ALL of my wrinkles disappear!! I wish) for at least a couple of weeks. That way, you really see the change, if it's there, as opposed to seeing yourself day in and day out, when the change is less noticeable.
 I've made a point to ignore, for the most part, how the undereye circles look, but I DID take a Before picture. In another week or so, I'll check the results closely, take an After pic and share it with you here. Hopefully I'll look 29 again, or more realistically, a lot less tired!
I think we can all use a little "me" pampering, because if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take really good care of our loved ones with cancer, both physically and emotionally."

Well check THIS out!

Same camera, Same lighting, Not sure if it's the same eye?  But anyways, LOOK AT THE CHANGE!! It's quite truly UH-MAY-ZING!! I wish they sold this stuff in 5 gallon tubs, because I would bathe in it.  After only 2 weeks, I am totally shocked.  Yesterday, Christmas Day, I got so many compliments. Not the obvious "Wow what did you do?" But just honest-to-goodness "Gretchen! You look so good!"  "You must be getting some rest." Uhhh, no. But let 'em think so! If you want to try this for yourself, here's where I got it.  #ValentiaTrueEyeGlowCream

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Taking care of myself part 2

So I was offered an opportunity to try another product for these ridiculous dark circles under my eyes.  If you're a caregiver for someone with cancer, then you know exactly what I'm talking about, right?  The product is called Valentia's True Glow Eye Cream - "A Corrective Eye Treatment with Vitamin C, Astaxanthin and Organic Oil." I only started using it about a week ago, and since I have a tendency to NOT pay too close attention when trying something supposedly life altering (like the miracle cream that will make ALL of my wrinkles disappear!! I wish) for at least a couple of weeks. That way, you really see the change, if it's there, as opposed to seeing yourself day in and day out, when the change is less noticeable.
 I've made a point to ignore, for the most part, how the undereye circles look, but I DID take a Before picture. In another week or so, I'll check the results closely, take an After pic and share it with you here. Hopefully I'll look 29 again, or more realistically, a lot less tired!
I think we can all use a little "me" pampering, because if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take really good care of our loved ones with cancer, both physically and emotionally.

Monday, December 7, 2015

all this stress and I'm looking it!

When the love of your life and best friend is seriously ill, the stress takes a toll.  I'm feeling and looking older, but am doing my best to take care of myself as well as my Honey.  I have realized that at some point I may have to do a lot more hands-on care-taking, so I'm making a concerted effort to eat much better and have started weight training again. My Honey is a big guy at 6'3" and if I ever need to help him physically, I need to prepare for that.

I've also decided to do my best to look my best for him.  If he sees me looking haggard and aged, he seems to blame himself and that's not fair.  So I've decided to take advantage of beauty product offers that I am occasionally given and plan to post honest reviews here for anyone who is interested in trying new products to look and feel better. 

I was recently offered an opportunity to try OZ Naturals Vitamin C serum.   It has clinical strength 20% Vitamin C as well as hyaluronic acid, which help skin hold a lot more moisture than it normally would. This stuff is wonderful.  It's not a moisturizer, but a serum you apply before moisturizer.  I use it at night, and though I still have wrinkles that are noticeable, the smoothness is incredible and my pores have shrunk to almost nothing.  If you want to try it, look for it on Amazon for a great price!